Monday, May 6, 2024
Gift Administration

8.1.2 Basic Quiz -- State Registration Compliance

All states require charities to file an annual report showing the charity's gift annuity activity.
     True      False
States requiring charities to report on gift annuity activity all use the same form for reporting.
     True      False
Every state has the same deadline for filing the report of the charity's gift annuity activity.
     True      False
States never impose filing fees with the required annual reports.
     True      False
In a notification state, the charity must meet statutory requirements and then notify the appropriate state agency of the charity's issuance of gift annuities in that state.
     True      False
In notification states, the state agency that is typically notified is the Department of Consumer Affairs.
     True      False
Most states that require an annual report also want the charity to submit audited financial statements.
     True      False
In silent states, the state law expressly provides that charities are not subject to insurance regulation.
     True      False
Conditional exemption states do not imposed filing fees to issue gift annuities.
     True      False
If donor resides in State A, annuitant resides in State A and charity is incorporated in State B, the law of State A applies.
     True      False

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