Thursday, May 2, 2024
Specific Property Gifts

4.10.4 Basic Quiz -- Sale and Unitrust

A FLIP unitrust and a net income plus makeup charitable remainder unitrust (NIMCRUT) are identical trusts that are referred to by different names.
     True      False
The only types of unitrust that can be funded with illiquid assets are FLIP unitrusts and NIMCRUTs.
     True      False
A FLIP unitrust always pays the lesser of the unitrust's net income or fixed unitrust percentage.
     True      False
A NICRUT always pays the lesser of the unitrust's net income or fixed unitrust percentage.
     True      False
Any date or event can be chosen as the "trigger date" for a FLIP unitrust.
     True      False
Before the "trigger date" a FLIP unitrust does not make any distributions to its beneficiaries.
     True      False
The CRUT will usually be invested 40% in bonds and 60% in equities.
     True      False
After the change of income or "FLIP" date, a FLIP unitrust makes standard unitrust distributions to its beneficiaries regardless of trust income.
     True      False
Despite the wonderful success a unitrust and sale plan can have, certain precautions must be addressed in order to "lock in" the benefits of this plan.
     True      False
Distributions from a FLIP unitrust are all ordinary income to the recipient.
     True      False

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