Thursday, May 2, 2024
Deferred Gifts

3.3.5 Basic Quiz -- Securities Charitable Gift Annuity Disclosure

Most charities use the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) rates to determine the payout rate from gift annuity contracts.
     True      False
There is some concern about most or all charities offering the same rate.
     True      False
It is preferable for charities to offer the same gift annuity rates.
     True      False
If a charity prefers to use its own annuity rates, it may need to have an actuary verify that those rates will leave enough of a remainder to charity.
     True      False
The higher the gift annuity rate offered by a charity, the lower the remainder to be left to that charity.
     True      False
The American Council on Gift Annuity (ACGA) rates are calculated so that the charity will end up with approximately 50% of the gift annuity funding amount.
     True      False
Before a donor signs the annuity contract, the charity should provide that donor with the proper disclosures as required by the Philanthropy Protection Act.
     True      False
The Philanthropy Protection Act requires that a charity disclose to the donor how it invests its gift annuity reserve.
     True      False
While it is permissible in most states to use part of the gift annuity funds immediately, it is better for the charity to invest the entire amount given to it for the gift annuity.
     True      False
All gift annuities issued in regulated states may be evaluated by the appropriate state agency. The appropriate agency may be where charity is located, where the donor resides or where the annuitant resides.
     True      False

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